martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

#books #computing | The role of technology in CSCL : studies in technology enhanced collaborative learning

The role of technology in CSCL : studies in technology enhanced collaborative learning / H. Ulrich Hoppe, H. Ogata, A. Soller, editors.
Springer-Verlag, New York [etc.] : 2007.
X, 194 p. : il.
ISBN 9780387711355
Biblioteca Sbc Investigación 371.3 ROL

This book relates "new" information and communication technologies (ICT) to their specific teaching and learning functions, in particular how ICT is appropriated for and/or by educational or learning communities. We categorize consumer-oriented educational multimedia as established technologies, not of primary importance for innovative approaches to collaborative learning. Internet connections in schools and academic institutions are no longer new, though the learning culture originating from this technology may still lack a sufficiently rich definition. The technological "hot spots" of interest in this book are in turn: groupware or multi-user technologies such as group archives or synchronous co-construction environments, embedded interactive technologies in the spirit of ubiquitous computing, and modeling tools based on rich representations.Important features of these new technologies are: the move from individually oriented software tools to multi-user tools providing group awareness as well as facilities for the co-construction of knowledge; a definition of software use beyond a single piece of software towards multiple applications or tools which are not only technically interoperable but also task and role compliant in a social situation (social interoperability); high interactivity and creative potential with high productive activity and initiative on the part of the user (as opposed to the receptive scheme of usage of many educational multimedia applications); new kinds of peripherals in the spirit "of ubiquitous computing and augmented reality", which allow for redefining the borderline between physical action on the one hand and virtual or symbolic on the other.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

#libros #computación | O valor do envoltorio : un estudo da influencia das TIC nos centros educativos

O valor do envoltorio : un estudo da influencia das TIC nos centros educativos / Grupo Stellae ; Ma. Lourdes Montero (coord.)
Xerais, Vigo : 2008.
462 p.
Coñlección: Universitaria
ISBN 9788497826471
Biblioteca Sbc Investigación 371.6 VAL

Este libro está dirixido a todas aquelas persoas que se preguntan como mellorar a educación coa mirada posta nas transformacións das TIC (ordenadores, equipos multimedia de CD-ROM, Internet, televisión dixital, tecnoloxía móbil...), tan omnipresentes en todos os ámbitos da nosa vida cotiá. A escola enfróntase na actualidade de maneira irreversible, aos retos de incorporación e apropiación das TIC; un dos principais é, sen dúbida, atopar o seu lugar nese proceso en función dos seus propios intereses educativos. Facelo require dun modelo no que teñan acomodo os patróns culturais cos que se socializan a infancia e a mocidade, favorecendo competencias culturais para comprender e utilizar os recursos expresivos das TIC e interpretar os seus discursos en clave sociopolítica. En definitiva, un compromiso cos niveis máis altos para todos os cidadáns no acceso á sociedade do coñecemento. Hoxe hai máis xente que accede á educación pero, ao tempo, aumenta a disparidade entre aqueles que gozan dunha cualificación suficiente para o mercado de traballo e os que quedan á marxe.